MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Crazy Talk

Crazy Talk

The Ultimate Divine Image Is You

What is America’s Sacred Contract? According to Caroline Myss, it’s to fulfill its promise of the universal inalienable birthright of individual expression of its “cosmic divine force”.

There is no creation without chaos and no chaos without creation. This process is internally occurring in all of us and today we talk about it within the context of MDT. Whether you have experienced it your entire life, over a specific period, or are not even sure you have, you may know how overwhelming and inescapable it feels. This is not a bad thing! Chaos signals it is time to transcend material bonds to soul align.

As we increasingly answer soul’s call, we are more available to experience what we—not mama— imagine our lives to be. On top of that, none of what I’m saying is new.

Crazy isn’t it?

Motherland America, is a lot to transcend but my recent practice has recreated in me a renewed way to perceive the chaos.

Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck (each deck includes: PDF guidebook, free 8-part how to read the deck video playlist, and free one on one introductory video call with Tammy) is our foundational tool supporting a daily practice of living in loving detachment based on the core teaching of divinity identity).


MDT Sound Therapy (session songs playlist)

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MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Mama Drama Trauma (MDT) is a condition in which empaths live in a state of constant emotional dysregulation as a result of having the mother wound.
MDT Academy is a short cut course for empaths to reduce trigger recovery time by releasing using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck.
This grievous process is facilitated by 1)learning to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma 2)through daily practice of the divinity identity mantra: "I AM a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone," who has the birthright to be healthy, happy and whole.
MDT Academy teaches a spiritual method that addresses the unchallenged and unexamined maternal shame, blame and guilt at the root of this spiritual crisis and planetary disorder.
If you have MDT, it is likely your mother has her own mother wound and as soulmates you are co-evolving in self love and spiritual independence.
(Paid subscribers receive detailed, in-depth instructional content in order to become MDT Informed therapists, inner work life coaches, empaths, etc.)