Letting go of the mother we want, birthmother fantasies and expectations, for the mother we have, a drama mama and Great Mother, our intuition, is a lifelong journey.
As mother wound empaths we came here with a powerful toolbox of gifts, talents and abilities apparent in our birth charts we can use to make our luck as mother wound empaths. Developed over lifetimes, they are available for us to employ in healing ourselves and others.
In our first Summer Story Time Session, I share how to find yours and ways you can use the gifts, tools and abilities indicated by it as well as how I have done it.
Find out the main placement and the three things to consider in your wheelhouse.
Birth Chart Calculators:
Sidereal/Vedic Birth chart Calculator - lunar, soul chart
Tropical/Western Birth chart Calculator - geocentric, material chart
Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck
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