MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Mother Wound Intuitive Empaths

Mother Wound Intuitive Empaths

The Gift to Transform Trauma, Alchemize Karma and Soul Contracts

Ever wonder why we have so much compassion for narcissists? How we know what others are feeling and why? The best way to use these abilities to self heal?

Today, in the second session of ‘This Is for the Real Ones’ series about the three empath types, we introduce the mother wound intuitive empath. While the instinctive empath can feel what others feel, the intuitive (emotional) empath knows why others feel the way they do.

As mother wound empaths, the degree we can let go of the mother we want to accept the one we have is the degree we are healed. Though we have different capacities to do this, by recognizing intuition is the mother we have, and responding to it that way we heal and open floodgates to heal others.

The center of the emotional wheel is where our base emotions reside. These correspond to the six chakras and six suits of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck:

Credit: Gloria Wilcox Emotional Wheel


Root (red) - Mad when we acknowledge MDT (“A” Acknowledge Suit)

Sacral (orange) - Scared to self inquire about MDT (“S” Self Inquiry Suit)

Gut (yellow) - Powerful when we are in our integrity about MDT (“I” Integrity Suit)

Throat (blue) - Peaceful when we release MDT (“R” Resurrection/Rebirth Suit)

Inner Eye (purple) - Sad when we have to live in loving detachment from MDT (“E” Emancipation Suit).

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Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck


MDT Sound Therapy (soul inspired session songs playlist)

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‘Hidden Things’ by J. Philip Newell with soloist Suzanne Adam from Sounds of the Eternal Meditative Chants and Prayers

MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Mama Drama Trauma (MDT) is a condition in which empaths live in a state of constant emotional dysregulation as a result of having the mother wound.
MDT Academy is a short cut course for empaths to reduce trigger recovery time by releasing using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck.
This grievous process is facilitated by 1)learning to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma 2)through daily practice of the divinity identity mantra: "I AM a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone," who has the birthright to be healthy, happy and whole.
MDT Academy teaches a spiritual method that addresses the unchallenged and unexamined maternal shame, blame and guilt at the root of this spiritual crisis and planetary disorder.
If you have MDT, it is likely your mother has her own mother wound and as soulmates you are co-evolving in self love and spiritual independence.
(Paid subscribers receive detailed, in-depth instructional content in order to become MDT Informed therapists, inner work life coaches, empaths, etc.)