MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
How Do You Do Your Goddess?

How Do You Do Your Goddess?

Going goddess empowers us to cut the crap and modulate so we can mood map

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You are a goddess.

It’s not about what you wear, how you look or even what you do. Goddesses are daughters of Great Mother Father God. As such we are molded, set molds and preside over them. What’s yours? Your gift? Your talent? Your unique gift? Going goddess is about embracing the essence of divinity identity in meaningful, practical and present ways of feeling healthy, happy and whole.


I am a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone.

(Caveat: According to Divine and Natural Law there are alwaysnconsequences, cause and affect— but never judgment, condemnation, abandonment or abuse for our actions).

6 Reasons It’s Important for Empaths with Mother Wound to “Go Goddess”

  1. It is good for everyone to self regulate but for empaths energy management requires self awareness of the energy releasing to compensate for their intense need to feel safe and secure—even to the extent of energetic care and protection of others who are perceived as threats. Goddesses are decisive and dedicated to maintaining mental and emotional balance to avoid the trap of vulnerabilities this default behavior creates. (#1 Reason: “Goddesses are decisive” @1:40 in video below).

  2. Getting out of toxic entanglements is important for everyone but for empaths the goal is not only to overcome but to live beyond them to support other Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) release this self created turmoil. Goddesses realize the power to create is the power to dismantle detrimental mental and emotional states and everyone needs help to do so, even old souls. (#2 Reason: “Goddesses create and destroy”@6:13 video below).

    “Writing, speaking, singing…I let the song sing me is how I goddess. How do you do your goddess?”
  3. Everyone has some grievance about unmet maternal needs, feeling cheated of basic but empaths experience self afflicting grief, guilt and doubts around this hypothesis. Unlike nonempaths, their strong intuition affords access to experience data from many empowering lifetimes denying them the refuge of self pity. Goddesses may grieve the mother they want but they accept the one they have because, “could’ve, should’ve, would’ve” are not in their vocabulary.

    (#3 Reason: “Goddesses grieve” @8:35 in the video below).

  4. Anyone can feel guilt for fulfilling wants and needs but empaths have difficulty forming defining boundaries they need to establish and maintain them well enough to download, process and interpret intuitive data. Goddesses do not allow their energy to be blocked. One way or another they know it must be expressed. (#4 Reason: “Goddesses protect their energy” @12:19 in the video below).

  5. Everyone can get dysregulated but empaths empaths can feel higher frequencies (e.g. animals, plants, angels and ancestors, etc.) and must own and employ this connection to successfully live in loving detachment from MDT. (#5 Reason: “Goddesses own their feelings” @15:04 in the video below).

  6. Everyone is wounded or injured in some way by life experiences but individuals with MDT carry soul wounds they must address to feel divine. Goddesses prioritize what makes them tick so they can effectively use their healing shield and armor tap into their divinity identity at will. (#6 Reason: “Goddesses prioritize their divinity” @20:42 in the video below).

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Perfection is not our goal. Evolution is. By combining the signs and symbols in our readings we use them to gain immediate mood clarity, emotional balance and intuitive confirmation.

The moon sign gives us a sense of the emotional balance we seek, the chakra symbols clarifies our mood state and the god/dess signifies the story we are telling ourselves of need to address about an issue so our goddess can show up!

Every moment we see our goddess, we can be it. Every time we go goddess is another step we take back to peace, home and freedom from MDT.

Great Mother delivers her loving messages to us through the 39 gods (3) and goddesses (36) of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck. As the mother of all god/dess archetypes, she uses them to signal what issues we share at the time of inquiry and how their mythologies symbolize what attitudes and actions may be useful to employ from their lessons to support us in feeling more happy, healthy and whole.

Goddess Reading Sample



MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Mama Drama Trauma (MDT) is a condition in which empaths live in a state of constant emotional dysregulation as a result of having the mother wound.
MDT Academy is a short cut course for empaths to reduce trigger recovery time by releasing using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck.
This grievous process is facilitated by 1)learning to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma 2)through daily practice of the divinity identity mantra: "I AM a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone," who has the birthright to be healthy, happy and whole.
MDT Academy teaches a spiritual method that addresses the unchallenged and unexamined maternal shame, blame and guilt at the root of this spiritual crisis and planetary disorder.
If you have MDT, it is likely your mother has her own mother wound and as soulmates you are co-evolving in self love and spiritual independence.
(Paid subscribers receive detailed, in-depth instructional content in order to become MDT Informed therapists, inner work life coaches, empaths, etc.)