MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Telltale Signs of Mama Drama Trauma PART I

Telltale Signs of Mama Drama Trauma PART I

Behavior Tracking for Empaths with MDT

Being an empath means you can actually feel another person’s happiness or sadness in your own body.

In my inner work coaching practice, I have found empaths to have an exaggerated stress response to the wound. The mother wound is a condition in which the mother projects unhealed aspects of herself onto her child causing emotional and or physical trauma.

According to Judith Orloff, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People in empaths, the brain’s mirror neuron system – a specialized group of cells that are responsible for compassion- is thought to be hyperactive.  As a result, empaths can absorb other people’s energies (both positive and negative) into their own bodies. At times it may even be difficult to tell if you are feeling your own emotions or someone else’s.

When the mother is unable, unwilling or unavailable to heal for the child to live a happy healthy and whole life, the child must learn to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma.

Root chakra balsamic moon card ACKNOWLEDGE Suit Card of The Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck

MDT Telltale Signs

  • You feel lonely

  • You feel out of sync with yourself

  • You need constant approval

  • Your feelings are easily hurt

  • Emotionally anxious and exhausted

  • Difficulty being in the present

  • What people say and do is about you

  • Attitudes and behaviors of others adversely affect your own

  • You attract insecure people

  • Identity based on external evaluation

  • Your insecurities are projected onto others

  • You struggle to make your own decisions

  • You are a poor judge of character

  • You are the family “caretaker” or “black sheep”

  • Striking up an emotionally honest conversation with mama or your child terrifies you

  • You need help but do not know who to trust or how to ask for it

  • Sick & tired of being sick & tired”

We cover the first half here and the second half in part two.

What is MDT?






MDT Academy Newsletter
Telltale Signs of Mama Drama Trauma PART II
Listen now (58 min) | In part I we discussed being an empath means you can actually feel another person’s happiness or sadness in your own body. In this podcast we cover the second half of the telltale signs of MDT and how they show up in our lives. » Link to Telltale Signs of Mama Drama Trauma PART I…
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MDT Academy Newsletter
Mama Drama Trauma Academy
Mama Drama Trauma (MDT) is a condition in which empaths live in a state of constant emotional dysregulation as a result of having the mother wound.
MDT Academy is a short cut course for empaths to reduce trigger recovery time by releasing using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck.
This grievous process is facilitated by 1)learning to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma 2)through daily practice of the divinity identity mantra: "I AM a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone," who has the birthright to be healthy, happy and whole.
MDT Academy teaches a spiritual method that addresses the unchallenged and unexamined maternal shame, blame and guilt at the root of this spiritual crisis and planetary disorder.
If you have MDT, it is likely your mother has her own mother wound and as soulmates you are co-evolving in self love and spiritual independence.
(Paid subscribers receive detailed, in-depth instructional content in order to become MDT Informed therapists, inner work life coaches, empaths, etc.)